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Used in pathways:

Travelling Shots: Travel, Movement and Empire in Orlando by Sophie Mayer,

Research for a paper on Orlando\'s relocation of Woolf\'s Constantinople to Khiva, exploring the subtexts of imperial history and the significance of travel for the film (and the production). "endings are beginnings": the novel is circular, beginning and ending with "home." The film is also circular, but moves on from the "clinging to the past" that Potter notes. For Woolf, Home is the "Great House" (and England), which Orlando possesses despite her change of sex, a reversal of the gendered laws that deprived Vita Sackville-West of Knole. But Sackville-West was also a traveller, and travel writer, and the novel is full of constant motion (at least until Orlando becomes female). The film suggests the novel's subtext of change as constant.

Orlando- the ending by Bella Wing-Davey,

the issue of adapting a book and bringing it into the present- the decision to have a modern ending- and the process of creating a modern ending..seeing SP process of realising this

Orlando by Hanna Ibraheem,

The adaptation of 'Orlando' from literature to novel, and how each type shows the transgression from male to female

Orlando by Meredith Nadeau,

Key scenes and themes in Orlando by Rebecca Reeves,

orlando to orlando by Jeanne le Roux,

the process of adapting the essence of orlando from literature to film.

Orlando by Klara Hallen,

Intertextual nature of Orlando The final comment about how she intends to begin and end in the present is interesting because I think it is relevant to every part of the process. While adapting a work, one has to think of all the different elements that go into it but ultimately the most important to consider the context that you are bringing it into. It was a smart move on Potter\'s part by bringing the film up to the present day since this is what she has done with the work.

My Default Pathway by Celso Castro, Student

The Adaptation Process by Nida Sheriff, Student

What is lost and what is gained?

The Adaptation Process by Nida Sheriff, Student

What is lost and what is gained?

Modernizing Orlando. by Jessica Rehkopf, Student

Orlando is a woman? by Easmanie Michel, Student

The stillness and restrictions that happen cinematically upon Orlando's gender transformation.

Description A4 pages, handwritten, Paper, Pre-draft handwritten notes on key scenes
Asset ID SPA0000094
Date 24/10/1988