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Used in pathways:

Distillation of Adaption by Daniel Fisher,

A list of documents processing the reduction of the novel into key scenes in order to create the film

History by Abigail Stevens,

My pathway engages the theme of history in both the novel and the film. The four centuries through which Orlando lives provide an evocative and symbolic background for the story.

orlando to orlando by Jeanne le Roux,

the process of adapting the essence of orlando from literature to film.

The Different Path to Reach Orlando by Ryan Reyna,

An aim in understanding the different steps Sally Potter took to reach the same essential meaning behind Woolf's Orlando.

Orlando and it\'s Intertextuality by Georgina Cranmer,

Orlando by Hannah Burbach,

let's see what happens

Intertextuality in Orlando by Philippa Selby,

Exploring intertextuality in Sally Potter's 'Orlando' (1992)

Orlando: Adaption, by Stevie Christian, Student

Gender in Orlando by Amelia Jefferies, Student

The gender of Orlando by Maria Moller Kjeldgaard, Student

Alex Garbutt\'s pathway by Alexander Garbutt, Student

A focus upon aspects from the stage of development as to discern the approach taken in adapting from novel to film.

Dance in Orlando by Elizabeth Mattison, Student

I found that dance, like in many cultures, is an important exhibition of feeling in Orlando. I originally was intrigued by the Introduction page telling us that the story was a "dance through history". Exploring dance further led me to a tag called "dance", which held multiple call sheets outlining the importance of characters learning their dances. It also showed how important Orlando's emotions towards Sasha were in these scenes. It seems like Orlando's feelings are revealed through dancing.

Emotions speak louder than words by Jamie Pearsen, Student

In Orlando, there are many extremes of emotions that are witnessed and experienced. Throughout Orlando's life events and transformations, his / her emotions on screen help convey the internal feelings and thoughts behind the visual information. Orlando appears to exprience deep happiness in some moments, and deep melancholy in others. Overall, as Sally Potter stated in one of her assets I have included in my pathway, "The unifying principle is the force of the character of Orlando who propels us believably through time and history in the search for life and a love."

Orlando from Novel to Film by Rea Anastasopoulou, Student

Pathway to reflect upon and illustrate the process of adapting Virginia Woolf’s 1928 novel, Orlando, to film.

Costumes in Orlando by Andrea Paul, MA Student

Role transformation reflected through costumes

Getting the Film made by Samuel Cross, Student

An analysis of the pragmatics of getting Orlando made.

Funding Process by Julie Solovyeva, Student

Orlando is a woman? by Easmanie Michel, Student

The stillness and restrictions that happen cinematically upon Orlando's gender transformation.

Description 1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House
Asset ID SPA0000145
Date 1988