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Used in pathways:

orlando by Georgia Beverton,

From Vita to Tilda by Andrew White,

Six steps of adaptation

Intertextuality in Orlando by Adam Field,

Pathway 2: star intertextuality by Emily Andrews,

The intertextuality of stars in Sally Potter's 'Orlando'. Explore how an actor's parcipitationand performance in a film creates new meaning.

orlando intertextuality by Emily Andrews,

Creating your own online ‘pathway’, use the SP-ARK multi-media archive to reflect upon and illustrate the intertextual nature of Orlando (1928 and 1992).

The casting of Vita Sackville-West and Tilda Swinton in book and film by Adam Plummer, Student

I am interested in comparing what Vita Sackville-West signifies in Virginia Woolf\\\'s \\\'biography\\\', with what Tilda Swinton signifies in Sally Potter\\\'s film.

Gender in Orlando by Amelia Jefferies, Student

My Default Pathway by Charles Tirella, Student

Intertextuality and the Visual Portrayal of Gender in Sally Potter\\\'s \\\'Orlando\\\' by Rosamund Attwood, Student

How did Sally Potter approach the task of bringing to screen the literary exploration of gender demonstrated in Virginia Woolf\'s book?

My Default Pathway by Jasmine Ye, Student

Description 1x A4 Black card, 10x A4 Double side printed text and image document, Paper, Cannes Prospectus
Asset ID SPA0000312
Date 1991