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Used in pathways:

Hatfield house by Malgosia Tolak,

Items that had anything to do with scene 2

Orlando- the ending by Bella Wing-Davey,

the issue of adapting a book and bringing it into the present- the decision to have a modern ending- and the process of creating a modern ending..seeing SP process of realising this

Orlando by Meredith Nadeau,

Modernizing Orlando. by Jessica Rehkopf, Student

The Fluidity of Voice: Changing Gender Expectations Through Song by Carrie Barnhouse, MA Student

This pathway traces the use of the falsetto in Orlando as a symbol of transformation/alteration in gendered meanings through its position as herald throughout the narrative. The voice acts as construct for the subsequent reversal of bodily gender norms. It highlights periods of transition or translation for Orlando.

Description Black and white A4 Text Document, Digital, Finished screenplay as published by Faber and Faber
Asset ID SPA0000277
Date 05/04/1994
Scene Number 65