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Used in pathways:

Translating imagery from text to screen by Flora Bartlett, Student

Examination through archive materials of how Sally Potter takes the artistic description of scenes from the novel and translates that into a visual form through cinematography and set design.

My Default Pathway by Daniela Vilu, Student

Adapting Orlando: From Word to World by Aniya Das, Student

In writing Orlando, Virginia Woolf had to her disposal the infinite power of the English language. Using her imaginative flair for writing, Woolf was able to vividly describe and create the world in which Orlando lives; we are transported through time, and to incredible landscapes all across the globe with ease. Sally Potter then, had the largely more difficult task of physically recreating this diegetic world. Through this pathway I will explore the real life locations Potter used to create Orlando's world, and the reasons behind these choices.

My Default Pathway by Joel Nazar-Zadeh, Student

My Default Pathway by Joel Nazar-Zadeh, Student

Description Outline of specifications for sets to be built. Black printed text on white A4.
Asset ID SPA0002507