Used in pathways:

Intertextuality and the Visual Portrayal of Gender in Sally Potter\\\'s \\\'Orlando\\\' by Rosamund Attwood, Student

How did Sally Potter approach the task of bringing to screen the literary exploration of gender demonstrated in Virginia Woolf\'s book?

Gender and Androgyny within Orlando by Anna De Guia-Eriksson, Student

Pretty Pathway by Richard Leigh, Student

My Default Pathway by Lucille Gaudin, Student

Intertextuality in Orlando by Nicolas Segura, Student

My Default Pathway by Clara Garcia Gomez, Student

Orlando is a woman? by Easmanie Michel, Student

The stillness and restrictions that happen cinematically upon Orlando's gender transformation.

Description close up of Orlando's face as she sees her reflection in mirror
Asset ID SPA1000386_1
Date 1992