Used in pathways:

The gender of Orlando by Maria Moller Kjeldgaard, Student

The importance of the bedroom in Orlando by Heather Wilson, Student

I have found various assets which suggest that the bedroom represents a place of comfort, change, and re-birth for Orlando. During any significant lapse of time, when Orlando primarily addresses the camera, and when Orlando transforms from a male to a female he is in the Bedroom. The assets I have compiled demonstrate how this room is important based on the design of the bedroom and the various scenes that revolve around the bedroom.

My Default Pathway by Harveen Panesar, Student

The Fluidity of Voice: Changing Gender Expectations Through Song by Carrie Barnhouse, MA Student

This pathway traces the use of the falsetto in Orlando as a symbol of transformation/alteration in gendered meanings through its position as herald throughout the narrative. The voice acts as construct for the subsequent reversal of bodily gender norms. It highlights periods of transition or translation for Orlando.

Orlando is a woman? by Easmanie Michel, Student

The stillness and restrictions that happen cinematically upon Orlando's gender transformation.

Description Orlando seeing herself nude in the mirror as a woman, side profile
Asset ID SPA1000385_1
Date 1992