Pathway: My Default Pathway by Marissa Hicks-Alcaraz

1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House

this second page from music notes explains the objectives for the soundtrack: music that refers to each historical era and shifts in pace and structure that underline themes in the novel

1 x A4 black photograph album; 34 vellum pages; 24 x colour prints, Mixed, Presentation book containing Sally Potter's notes on the film and colour photographs of Tilda Swinton at Hatfield House

notes on how the music and editing of the film will work together to produce, evoking (as the book does) the sounds of the different eras

medium shot of the Khan demonstrating falconry to Orlando.

medium shot of the Khan demonstrating falconry to Orlando.

Eastern music

medium shot of Orlando leaving Khiva, riding a camel dressed in black robes

medium shot of Orlando leaving Khiva, riding a camel dressed in black robes

medium shot of Khivan singer performing by the fire.

Khiva woman's song

Orlando Music Breakdown - Provisional, Black and white A4 computer printed, Paper

score organized by period